Monday 23 December 2013

Home - About MMCEd

Mr Michael J Cooper has more than 35 years experience in education, including 11 years in International Schools. After many years as head of History, Geography and/or Humanities in the UK, he has held headships in two accredited international secondary schools and was previously head of Pastoral/Student Welfare in a third. Since returning to UK in 2007, Michael has been supervising British and American Student Teachers, for Educators Abroad (EA), in a wide variety of UK and international primary/secondary schools and sixth forms.  He has his own online course for international Teaching Assistants operating through EA, and has also undertaken educational work for CfBT and NST. Michael is an Honours Graduate in Humanities/Education and has qualifications in education counselling within the International Baccalaureate community of schools. He also has experience in Further Education, including teaching the guitar to primary school teachers on in-service courses at Edge Hill University. He has worked on educational materials, and also has extensive practical experience in the creative use of music and drama in educational contexts.

MMCEd is currently offering the following services, either in person, or if appropriate, on-line (via email, voice-over-i.p. or webcam video conferencing):

·  Supervision and mentoring of student teachers, TA's and NQTs, in a formal or informal context.

·  Advisory visits and consultations with schools on any mutually agreed manifesto and schedule.

·  Preparation, or customisation, of educational materials and study programmes, in Humanities.

·  Tuition, at all levels, in History, Geography and Citizenship.

A range of musical services are also offered, in specific educational contexts, including:

·  Workshops on mutually agreed areas,

·  Music for presentations,

·  The use of computers to create and record music for schools

·  The integration of music, drama and humanities for mixed media performances or recordings.